Trina Paul

Congressional candidates debate gun policy at forum

On Monday, April 30, Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy held a forum at the college for candidates running in the 5th congressional district primaries on May 15th. The forum, which lasted about two and a half hours, was held to
May 3, 2018

Student-run Asian American studies course will be offered in the fall

Earlier this semester, Swarthmore Asian Organization announced that the college will be offering the student-run course “Introduction to Asian American Studies” in the education studies department. The course will cover topics such as the history of Asian American immigration, present-day intermarriage, and
April 26, 2018

SJP Sabra Boycott Gains Traction

On Wednesday, Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine held a rally in Parrish Parlors with the aim of halting the sale of Sabra Hummus on campus. The rally, which followed a petition that garnered over 500 signatures, has attracted national attention from
April 12, 2018

Career services gets mixed reviews

During the 2016-2017 school year, Swarthmore Career Services held over one thousand counseling appointments and engaged 64 percent of the student body, according to its annual report. Career Services works by providing students with ways to seek out job or internship opportunities,
March 29, 2018

SwatTeam chronically understaffed, limiting party options

Last Saturday, both parties hosted by ENLACE and Phi Psi did not have SwatTeam members present. SwatTeam determines whether or not its members are required to work an event based on the attendance of the party and whether alcohol is being served.
March 8, 2018

Reformation of Swarthmore Progressive Christians

On Jan. 23, the Swarthmore Progressive Christians assembled for the first time in many months to provide an inclusive space where individuals of all sexualities and Christian denominations could talk about Christianity and meet together. According to Joyce Tompkins, director of religious
February 1, 2018

BEP phase one comes to a close

On the northwest corner of campus, construction for the new Biology, Engineering, and Psychology building persists as the fall semester comes to an end. Since enrollment has risen for the biology, engineering, and psychology departments, BEP is being built to provide these
November 30, 2017

WRC and Title IX host vigil in response to #metoo campaign

On Nov. 3, 2017, the WRC held a silent candlelight vigil followed by a gathering for conversation in order to show solidarity with those who have been affected by sexual assault and sexual harassment. The Women’s Resource Center sought to ensure that
November 9, 2017

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