Rachel Lapides

Rachel Lapides is a sophomore from New York City studying English and Psychology. She loves plants and is slowly turning her dorm room into a garden.

“I Want You Back:” A Capella Returns to Swarthmore

On Friday, Nov. 5, a cappella returned to Swarthmore’s campus after a nearly two-year absence. Each of Swarthmore’s four a cappella groups — OffBeat, Grapevine, Mixed Company, and Sixteen Feet — performed in the event. Every semester, the a cappella performance season
November 11, 2021

Red Light, Green Light: On Watching Squid Game

“Please tell me you’re not writing a review on ‘Squid Game.’” So said my colleague at The Phoenix when I mentioned I’d recently watched the hugely popular TV show. “There have already been so many reviews,” he continued. And he’s right; the
October 21, 2021

Brown is the New Black

One of fashion’s most recent trends is a return to the basics. Neutral earth tones, once a seemingly boring style choice, have become well-put-together chic. Online stores have created front-page collections of cozy chocolates and crisp creams. TikTok and Instagram fashion influencers
September 23, 2021

“No Sudden Move” Review

Steven Soderbergh’s most recent crime thriller, “No Sudden Move,” proceeds just like the name would suggest: slowly. The film is shot with a wide-angle lens, the background of Detroit rolling off the edges of the screen distorted and discarded. So it goes
September 16, 2021

On The Horror of “I’m Thinking of Ending Things”

[NOTE: This review contains spoilers.] Charlie Kaufman’s 2020 film, “I’m Thinking of Ending Things,” begins with a woman considering breaking up with her boyfriend, Jake — in other words, ending things. Unfortunately for her, she’s about to embark on a long road
September 9, 2021

Artist of the Week: Lia D’Alessandro ’21

Lia D’Alessandro ’21 has been a pillar of the Swarthmore dance community since her first semester. She has been a part of the Rhythm N Motion dance company, Terpsichore: Dance Collective, and active in the dance department. She is a pre-med student
March 5, 2020

Artist of the Week: Thomas Callahan ’22

Thomas Callahan ’22 is not an art major. He is not active in any art clubs on campus. But every so often, Callahan works as a professional artist or creates pieces in his room. His medium? Balloon animals. Callahan’s beginning, much like
February 20, 2020

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