Miles Skorpen

Housing: The Numbers

Very soon, most of Swarthmore's students will be entering the housing lottery. To help you make an informed choice, the Gazette has compiled information from the Housing website, averaging together [...]
April 23, 2008

Just How DOES the New Lottery System Work?

Yesterday, block information was released for the 2008-2009 academic year. For the classes of 2010 and 2011, this also marked the first in-practice demonstration of the new housing lottery system. [...]
April 21, 2008

Jolt Threat: Follow-up

The Gazette's initial reporting on this story can be found here. On Tuesday morning, police officers accompanied senior college officers to the dorm room of a freshman living in Wharton, [...]
April 17, 2008

Daily Jolt Post Threatens “Massacre”

Yesterday afternoon, Dean of Students Jim Larimore sent an email to all of Swarthmore's students announcing that "an overnight posting on a public Web site ... contained a threat of [...]
April 16, 2008

Gravel Stumps at Swat

Mike Gravel, an ex-Senator from Alaska, stumped for the Libertarian nomination in Bond Hall yesterday to a crowd of Swatties. Until recently, Gravel was campaigning as a Democrat, but switched [...]
April 10, 2008

StuCo 411: SAO and the 10:1 Campagin

SAO and StuCo | $10:$1 Student Council was running late this week due to a long budget appeals meeting. Combined with a short agenda, the meeting ran quicker than usual, [...]
April 7, 2008

Mascot Tryouts

Alex Gilbert-Bono '10 was one of the contenders for the esteemed position of the Phoenix, our new mascot. Juliana Macri '09 shows her school spirit. Scott Storm '08 shows off [...]
April 1, 2008
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