Lauren Stokes

Student Council 411

Council discusses Dining Services, the Philly Shuttle, and anti-oppression training--also, vote on a poll that involves money!
December 10, 2007

McCabe Hours Extended, Lockers to Follow

Next semester, hours in McCabe will be extended, after Student Council surveyed student opinion and found out that 73% of responding students "would use McCabe if it was open later Sunday through Thursday," and 61% "would use McCabe if it was open
December 4, 2007

Where Are the Essie Mae’s Bag Dinners?

Student Council worked with Essie Mae's to introduce bag dinners in the Fall of 2006. These included a full meal--sandwich, fruit, and drink--for the price of only one swipe, but disappeared in November due to insufficient interest.
December 3, 2007

Student Council 411

Due to a miscommunication between the Election Committee and the third-party election software provider CampusVote, the original ballot sent out Sunday morning did not include the constitutionally-mandated options of "None [...]
December 3, 2007

Swat Fails to Meet ADA Standards

The college just completed an out-of-court settlement with the Justice Department after a random check of Swarthmore facilities this summer showed that the campus was not compliant with Americans with [...]
November 30, 2007

What Are Those Things On Our Lights?

Mark J. Dumic, Associate Director of Networking and Telecommunications, tells us that "those boxes are outdoor wireless access points that were recently installed as part of this year's wireless network [...]
November 30, 2007

Candidates for StuCo VP Discuss Issues, Qualifications

Three vice-presidential candidates--Romaine Paul '10, Sofia Rivkin-Haas '09, and Sven David Udekwu '09--presented similar ideas in Wednesday night's debate. Current Vice-President Samuel Asarnow '08 began by asking the candidates what [...]
November 29, 2007

Rebecca Brubaker ’06, Swat’s Fourth Female Rhodes

Rebecca Brubaker is currently completing an Insight Fellowship in Morocco, so we reached her through e-mail. She says, "after a couple months of recovery from Swat's Honors program I was ready to dive back-in and try the model that inspired it."
November 29, 2007

Andrew Sniderman ’07, Rhodes Scholar, Reveals All

Swarthmore is proud to have two students selected as Rhodes Scholars this year--Rebecca Brubaker '06 for the United States and Andrew Sniderman '07 for Canada. We caught up with Sniderman over e-mail and will publish an interview with Brubaker later in the
November 27, 2007
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