Next semester, hours in McCabe will be extended, after Student Council surveyed student opinion and found out that 73% of responding students "would use McCabe if it was open later Sunday through Thursday," and 61% "would use McCabe if it was open
Student Council worked with Essie Mae's to introduce bag dinners in the Fall of 2006. These included a full meal--sandwich, fruit, and drink--for the price of only one swipe, but disappeared in November due to insufficient interest.
A new barrier was recently installed to keep cars from driving on the drive by the church. Director of Facilities Stu Hain wrote in an e-mail to the Gazette that [...]
Due to a miscommunication between the Election Committee and the third-party election software provider CampusVote, the original ballot sent out Sunday morning did not include the constitutionally-mandated options of "None [...]
The college just completed an out-of-court settlement with the Justice Department after a random check of Swarthmore facilities this summer showed that the campus was not compliant with Americans with [...]
Mark J. Dumic, Associate Director of Networking and Telecommunications, tells us that "those boxes are outdoor wireless access points that were recently installed as part of this year's wireless network [...]
Three vice-presidential candidates--Romaine Paul '10, Sofia Rivkin-Haas '09, and Sven David Udekwu '09--presented similar ideas in Wednesday night's debate. Current Vice-President Samuel Asarnow '08 began by asking the candidates what [...]
Rebecca Brubaker is currently completing an Insight Fellowship in Morocco, so we reached her through e-mail. She says, "after a couple months of recovery from Swat's Honors program I was ready to dive back-in and try the model that inspired it."
Swarthmore is proud to have two students selected as Rhodes Scholars this year--Rebecca Brubaker '06 for the United States and Andrew Sniderman '07 for Canada. We caught up with Sniderman over e-mail and will publish an interview with Brubaker later in the
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