Budget Cut Transparency at Fireside Chat

At a fireside chat on Tuesday night, College Treasurer Suzanne Welsh presented a budget cut proposal that will be discussed at the May Board of Managers meeting and solicited student feedback on what matters to them in budget planning.

StuCo Considers Donating Rollover SBC Funds to College

College deans, Student Council, and members of the Student Budget Committee are currently discussing the possibility of donating SBC's unspent funds for the year--funds that come from the student activity fee--back to the college to help cover college expenses. Student Council is

Class of 2013 Admitted; Admissions Grapples With Economy

5,574 students applied to Swarthmore, with 959, or 17%, offered a spot in the class, a small dip in applications from last year but still the second-largest number of applications ever. The economy may have an effect on accepted student yield, and

Chender and Graf Share Book Collections

The Gazette talks with Newton Prize winners Julian Chender and Stephen Graf, both seniors, about their book collections--Chender's "humor of suffering" and Graf's "messy world of contemporary art."

Power Shift Conference: Photos

31 Swarthmore students (and 16 high schoolers from Chester) attended an environmental justice conference in DC the weekend before break, coming back to campus with renewed energy to push for climate action.

ML “Mouse Patrol” Sparks Privacy Concerns

On the morning of Wednesday the 18th, a few students in Mary Lyons were woken up by two deans on a "mouse patrol" to take note of food storage conditions in ML. A student who wished to remain anonymous told the Gazette

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