Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Due to a miscommunication between the Election Committee and the third-party election software provider CampusVote, the original ballot sent out Sunday morning did not include the constitutionally-mandated options of “None of the Above” and “No Preference.”
Council moved to remedy this problem by contacting Campus Vote, who responded quickly and allowed Council to invalidate the already-cast votes and send out a new ballot that included both of these options for an additional fee of approximately $150. Since ITS just signed a contract for CampusVote to facilitate alll Council elections for the next two years, the problem should not re-occur soon.
The committee on socially responsible decision-making will be joined in the next round of appointments by a “Student Health Advisory Council” proposed by new Worth Health Center Director Beth Kotarski.
The next Board of Managers student luncheon, which will be occuring this weekend, will have the theme of “student research at Swarthmore,” and Council has found over 20 interested students.
On the dining services front, Kohlberg Coffee Bar made enough money both days of its Saturday trial and should be continuing to open on Saturdays in the future. Council also has an upcoming meeting with Stu Hain and Linda McDougall to discuss pricing at Essie Mae’s.
I can’t believe people are complaining about the prices at Essie Mae’s. Thumbs up to student council for responding, thumbs down to the complainers.