Established in the mid-90s by the senior class officers as a fund raiser for Senior Week Events, Pub Nite has evolved over the years from what Dean of Student Life [...]
The Women's Resource Center (WRC) has been a space for raucous parties in the past, but in order to strengthen the building's unique identity as a safe space for women, [...]
When the IC and BCC group members stepped on campus, they were surprised to find their orientation meetings had been omitted from the printed schedule. Anjali Jaiman '10 explained that [...]
Gazette reporters noticed several anti-Republican political stickers featuring an elephant shaking his fist and saying "Vote '08, We'll Rule You Like Despots" posted on the College Republican board in Parrish [...]
Amelia Sizemore '09, who submitted this question, commented that the situation "sure does make it tricky to walk in a straight line across campus." But although it may be trickier [...]
Our most famous alumnus with said name is Alexander Mitchell Palmer, who graduated in 1891 and went on to become Attorney General under Woodrow Wilson. But a quick glance into [...]
After serving as Swarthmore's president since 1991, Al Bloom recently announced his decision to retire in August 2009 to the campus community through e-mails and letters. Although he was traveling [...]
In the past few weeks, Swarthmore's sophomores have been trying to choose whether to do the Honors Program. It's a very different choice now than it was just fifteen years [...]
Santa (or should I say Sauron?) came early to Psi Phi this year, as the aptly named club received $688 to spend on Dungeons and Dragons materials as part of an "Expand Your Role" grant from Wizards of the Coast, the company
On Monday evening at the Borough Council meeting, Council member Geoff Semenuk announced that the Borough had surpassed its goal of getting 200 new customers for clean energy. With these [...]
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