Lauren Stokes

WRC Board Chooses to Create a Dry Space

The Women's Resource Center (WRC) has been a space for raucous parties in the past, but in order to strengthen the building's unique identity as a safe space for women, [...]
September 5, 2008

Interview with Al Bloom

After serving as Swarthmore's president since 1991, Al Bloom recently announced his decision to retire in August 2009 to the campus community through e-mails and letters. Although he was traveling [...]
May 31, 2008

A Retrospective Look at Honors

In the past few weeks, Swarthmore's sophomores have been trying to choose whether to do the Honors Program. It's a very different choice now than it was just fifteen years [...]
February 27, 2008

Swat Dungeons & Dragons, Now Better than Ever

Santa (or should I say Sauron?) came early to Psi Phi this year, as the aptly named club received $688 to spend on Dungeons and Dragons materials as part of an "Expand Your Role" grant from Wizards of the Coast, the company
December 13, 2007
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