Lauren Stokes

When did the Pterodactyl Hunt start?

To figure out the answer, I sent an e-mail off to a recent Psi Phi (formerly known as SWIL) alum, and the power of that network quickly put me in [...]
October 13, 2008

President Bloom to Lead NYU Abu Dhabi

Al Bloom announced his retirement from the Swarthmore presidency last May and started looking for possible opportunities in global education. He wasn't in limbo for long. [...]
October 2, 2008

Why have the Sharples Menus been Off?

When we asked Dining Services Director Linda McDougall this question late last week, we were in the final week of the cycle, which "is the most difficult to complete and [...]
September 29, 2008

Why Can’t We Use Points in the Ville?

According to Director of Dining Services Linda McDougall, this isn't a new question. "This has come up pretty much every year I have been here." She explained that the cost [...]
September 29, 2008
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