Lauren Stokes

Campus Blacks Out, Parties Go On

At about 10:50 PM on Saturday evening, Swarthmore College lost power for around three hours, which didn't stop students from partying in Phi Psi and the BCC.
November 12, 2008

StuCo Candidates Field Questions

All but two of the candidates currently running for Student Council were at the Candidate Forum on Wednesday night, where they presented their platforms and fielded questions from an audience slightly larger than the candidate pool.
November 12, 2008

Dining Services Bares All

At the Dining Services Forum organized by Student Council last Thursday, students learned about the history of the meal plan, where the dining budget goes, and what Dining Services is doing to be sustainable, among other questions.
November 9, 2008

Students Speak Out at SDS Panel on Financial Justice

On Wednesday night, a student panel on issues of financial justice at Swarthmore convened in Bond Hall to discuss class and financial aid issues at Swarthmore. Both the panel and much of the audience had concerns about financial aid at Swarthmore, particularly
November 7, 2008

Sharples Halloween Passes Without Incident

Saturday's Halloween Party went by without any major negative incidents. With this success, parties may return to Sharples in the future, although there are no current plans for a next Sharples event.
November 7, 2008

Health Survey to Identify New Wellness Initiatives

On October 22, students received an e-mail including a link to the National College Health Assessment survey, a national and completely confidential survey that Worth hopes will provide the information it needs to design effective health and wellness programs.
October 30, 2008

Class Awareness Month Pushes for Concrete Action

Class Awareness Month began on Monday with a closed discussion for working class students. This year brings a petition for "seminar break funds" and more textbooks in the library, as well as exciting events.
October 27, 2008

Where’s the Heating?

Wondering why you shiver in Chemistry class while boiling in your room? Ralph Thayer explains how his team decides when it's time to turn on the heat in Swarthmore buildings.
October 21, 2008
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