Lauren Stokes

Student Council Report

The "Thanksgiving in the Spring" initiative was presented to Curriculum Committee, where discussion was tabled until next semester. Although frustrated by this setback, Student Council is continuing to meet with [...]
April 4, 2007

Tri-Co Peace Week, now with more Tri-Co

In the third year of Swarthmore's Peace Week, founded by Brandon Lee Wolff in 2005, Wolff is proud of increased Tri-Co involvement. Wolff started with the idea of a two-day [...]
March 29, 2007

Student Council Report

On Tuesday's meeting, Student Council discussed its budget for next year and decided to propose minor changes. Council is continuing to work on the "Thanksgiving in the Spring" initiative. They [...]
March 28, 2007

Nonie Darwish lecture sparks campus discussion

Should academic departments sponsor non-academic speakers? This question and many more were raised in Monday night's discussion, sponsored by Speak for Peace, about the Nonie Darwish lecture. The Gazette reported [...]
March 27, 2007
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