Kat Capossela

The inevitable encroachment of normie memes

In the fleeting moments in between classes or procrastinating before starting that seven page paper due tomorrow, college students across the country often turn to their institution’s Facebook meme pages for entertainment. At Swarthmore, it seems as if the source of happiness
May 3, 2018

Screw Your Roommate

Screw Your Roommate, an impressively awkward school tradition that began in the 80s, returned this year on Feb. 18. Dressed in often embarrassing costumes, several hundred anxious and uncomfortable students gathered in Sharples around dinner time in search for a blind date
February 22, 2018

Screw Your Roommate

Screw Your Roommate, an impressively awkward school tradition that began in the 80s, returned this year on Feb. 18. Dressed in often embarrassing costumes, several hundred anxious and uncomfortable students gathered in Sharples around dinner time in search for a blind date
February 21, 2018

Screw Your Roommate

Screw Your Roommate, an impressively awkward school tradition that began in the 80s, returned this year on Feb. 18. Dressed in often embarrassing costumes, several hundred anxious and uncomfortable students gathered in Sharples around dinner time in search for a blind date
February 21, 2018

No more deficit for Paces Cafe

Paces broke even this past semester, amassing a  gross revenue of $15,000 and a net revenue of $o in the fall. It was the first semester in its over 10-year history that the student-run cafe has not made less money than it
February 8, 2018

College to go through Middle State’s accreditation process again

Every eight years, Swarthmore must evaluate their quality of education to be approved by Middle States, a Philadelphia-based accreditation organization. The school’s most recent cycle of reaccreditation began last year and will continue into 2019, during which time the college reports on
November 16, 2017

College and borough collaborate effectively despite tensions

With a student population one-fourth the size of the town it inhabits, the college maintains a considerable presence in the town of Swarthmore. The two bodies have shared the same space for 153 years, and while there have been tensions, community members
November 2, 2017

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