Joe Mariani

Faculty Continue to Express Concern About Benefits

Faculty and staff continue to express concerns about the college’s retirement plans and the lack of support for faculty and staff with children. While changes to the retirement policy have come in in recent years, progress in childcare and maternity leave, have
September 8, 2016

Statistics department introduces new courses

This year the Department of Mathematics and Statistics rolled out a new statistics curriculum which created two new applied statistics courses and incorporated teaching the R programming language into Stat 11. Student reactions to this new curriculum have been mixed, with some
April 28, 2016

Multi club to host bone marrow drive

Multi, a Swarthmore club for students of multiple heritages, will be holding a bone marrow registration drive this Friday and Saturday in the Science Center’s Eldridge Commons and in the front lobby of Sharples. Multi’s interest in bone marrow transplants began after
March 24, 2016

Mountain justice stage protest on steps of Parrish

Last Friday, Swarthmore Mountain Justice held a protest reiterating their demands that board members Samuel Hayes III ’57, Rhonda Cohen ’76, and Harold Kalkstein ’78 recuse themselves from future board discussions regarding divestment due to their fiscal ties to the fossil fuel
February 25, 2016

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