No People Harmed in Fire at New PPR

On Saturday, April 27, Public Safety responded to a fire alarm at 2:15 p.m. on the fourth floor in New PPR.  The fire had originated in an oven and was contained by officers after the alarm was pulled. No injuries were reported

Swarthmore Adds Applied Mathematics Concentration for Math Majors

Swarthmore recently announced the new applied mathematics major, a special math concentration utilizing conventional math for use in more specialized fields in many disciplines, including biology, engineering, and physics. On February 8, mathematics professors Nsoki Mavinga and Joshua Goldwyn held an info

JVP Centers Jewish Identity on Israel-Palestine

On February 11, 2019, Swarthmore College’s own chapter of the national organization Jewish Voice for Peace held its first meeting in Kohlberg under the helm of members Abby Saul ’19 and Sydney Covitz ’20.  JVP is a national group dedicated to supporting

SBC Funding Stalled After Sudden Resignation of Chair

The Student Budget Committee began the semester as inoperative when Yin Xiao ’20, former Chair of SBC, resigned over winter break and when four other members stepped down at the beginning of the Spring 2019 semester. The student-led committee was left with

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Hits Swarthmore

An outbreak of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease has been spreading around Swarthmore’s campus since early November. Due to its contagiousness, the disease has warranted several email notifications, sent out on Nov. 18 and 19 from Swarthmore’s Health and Wellness Center, concerning