2024 Senior Art Thesis Exhibitions

From April 13 to May 19, the List Gallery will be hosting the 2024 Senior Art Thesis Exhibitions, where works created by art majors during their Senior Capstone will be showcased. There will be two exhibitions: April 13-28 and May 3-19. Below

Echoes of Greece Review

“Echoes of Greece” at the Park Avenue Community (PAC) Center in Swarthmore features the Grammy-nominated Laouto player Vasilis Kostas and award-winning pianist Tom Alexander. Their aim is to “transport the audience to the Greek islands and beyond through a musical journey that

Kitao x IC Spring Art house

The InterCenter Interns and Kitao Art gallery co-hosted the Spring Art house last Friday, April 12, from 7-9 p.m. in the Kitao art gallery. The theme of the exhibition was (In)visibility. Arts exhibited include drawing, painting, photography, digital art, and mixed media.


A Conversation with Professor Varun Khanna

Professor Varun Khanna is a visiting assistant professor in the classics and asian studies departments at Swarthmore College. He joined Swarthmore in 2018. He specializes in spoken Sanskrit and Pāṇinian Sanskrit grammar. Courses that he teaches at Swarthmore include Introduction to Sanskrit,

Much Ado About Nothing Review

“Much Ado About Nothing” is a tragicomedy written by Shakespeare. The play revolves around the story of a romantic couple: Hero, daughter of the governor of Messina, and Claudio, a count from Florence. “Much Ado” frequently diverges into the gossipings that surrounds

At The Wedding Review

Last Saturday, upon the invitation of a friend, I showed up punctually at 8 p.m. to see the newest production from the Swarthmore theater department: At The Wedding. The play, written by Bryna Turner and directed by Visiting Assistant Professor Jude Sandy,

A Personal Reflection of A Poetry Reading With Ahmad Almallah

On Wednesday, Feb. 14, the award-winning Palestinian poet Ahmad Almallah came to campus for a session of poetry reading and conversation. I arrived at the Scheuer Room right on time, only to find it already packed with people including students, professors, and

(Wald) Einsamkeit: Capturing the Untranslatable Word 

There are some words in German that cannot be translated into English. Waldeinsamkeit is one of them. The Oxford German-English Dictionary tells me that it is “woodland solitude,” while another dictionary describes it as “the feeling of being alone in the woods,