Giorgia Piantanida

Your semester horoscope

Hello again my dear Swatties! I trust that everyone had a good summer, but as all good things must end, here we are again, somewhat ready but hopefully excited to face yet another year of ‘Oh God, why did I enroll here
September 21, 2017

Spring at Swarthmore

Spring is the beginning of everything. A time when we can brush off the dust from the mistakes and regrets we kept hidden all winter, and step outside and find a refreshing new take on our lives. Even here at Swarthmore, the
March 30, 2017

What you love to hate about Swarthmore

How better to start an article about hating things than by explaining how much Swatties love to complain? If we simply look at the classic, “Anywhere else, it would’ve been an A,” phrase, a sense of gripe seems to envelope the student
February 9, 2017

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