Terhune Implements Pilot Program for Dean’s Division

Towards the end of Winter Break, Jim Terhune, Interim Dean of Students, emailed the student body to announce a new way in which students are assigned to deans. Instead of being assigned to a particular dean based on their class, sophomores, juniors,

The Future of Swarthmore Memes for Quaker Teens

Swarthmore Memes for Quaker Teens is undoubtedly the epicenter of meme culture at Swarthmore. Like savanna animals flocking to a fertile watering hole, students converge on the group en masse to share and view memes. Yet in this place of unity, there

Big Chair Just Close

The Big Chair very well might be one of the most iconic and recognizable elements of Swarthmore. It is a logo; a monument; a mascot. A place where memories are made, bonds are formed, sex is had, and friendships are shared. Perhaps

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