Finlay Logan

Three Departments Hire New Faculty for Fall ’08

Several departments have recently hired new professors who will offer exciting additions to their department's curricula. Departments include English Literature, Chemistry, and Art History. English Literature is hiring one new [...]
April 2, 2008

Raskin ’09 to Lead Sex Toy Workshop

Are you in the market for a sex toy but bewildered by the abundance of options? Be wildered no more! The Sexual Health Counselors will be giving a workshop on [...]
March 31, 2008

Equestrian Club Coming Fall 08

What have Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Drexel got that we don't got? If you answered "an equestrian club," you'd be right, but not for long. Kim Comer '09 and Esther [...]
March 23, 2008

What is the New Beijing?

Professor Lillian Li kicked off the History department's new Cities and History Colloquium on Friday with a lecture entitled "Beijing: History and Identity in the Olympic Age." Her talk, given [...]
February 9, 2008

Authorial Ambiguity: Lecture

Readers of the works of Albert Memmi, a half-Berber half-Jewish writer from Tunisia, often remark upon the similarity of his characters to himself, and upon his fixation with his protagonists [...]
February 4, 2008

Kitao Looks Forward to Exciting Semester

The Kitao Gallery - Swarthmore's space for student art exhibits - is gearing up for another exciting semester. Along with their traditional spring shows, the gallery is looking forward to [...]
February 1, 2008

Students and Professors Discuss Muslim Identity

Although the five students and two professors who served as panelists for Thursday's panel on "Islam, Identity, and Being Muslim in America" denied the possibility that their voices should represent [...]
February 1, 2008

History Department Launches Cities Program

Starting this semester, the History Department is implementing a new program on the topic of Cities and History as a department-wide initiative to allow students to focus their studies on [...]
January 30, 2008

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