Another weekend and a very full roundup means you get to pick and choose what you’d most like to get out of your weekend. In addition to Sager Symposium events [...]
The start of spring in Philadelphia means many things: free Rita’s, flowers and the flower show, and (gradually) better weather. Enjoy your first weekend of spring whether you stay on [...]
Spring Break is here at last. For those of you staying in the area, here’s a ten day itinerary in case you’re worried that all you have to keep you [...]
“The Poetry of Place” panel held yesterday in LPAC brought together the artists Sharon Horvath, Kevin Wixted, Sarah McEneaney, and David Kapp to discuss the sources of their work, examples [...]
Entropy, or the tendency of an orderly system towards disorder, is the theme and title of the Kitao Gallery’s current show. On Friday, February 29, the gallery opened “Entropy,” making [...]
To those who have long wished life had background music, this weekend may just have enough musical possibilities to come close. On campus there are a range of arts events [...]
“Old Times” whose very title suggests willful nostalgia, is a play that explores the shifting boundaries of memory as three characters’ assemble and revive memories with fraught, tangled results.
Housing blocks for David Kemp, the almost-completed new dorm, was assigned in the most recent housing committee meeting. The new dormitory will include five new block options. Tours of the [...]
This weekend, the last in February, brings a few more hours to procrastinators who need to screw their roommates and snowfall to those who had forgotten it was still winter. [...]
According to Kyle White ’08, the mascot integration committee has begun introducing the Phoenix mascot in small doses to the Swarthmore community. Red feathers have begun to appear in various [...]
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