Dayo Fayanju

Finals Review for the Start of the NBA Season

With your externship meetings with possible VISFs fast approaching, The Phoenix has prepared an updated cliff-notes version of the trending NBA storylines, for the times you need a break from studying organic chemistry or the art of rolling natural tea. Enjoy! BIG
December 6, 2012

Stolen Thunder: The Thunder Lost What Might Have Been

A chance a iconography, a lore, a legendarium.  A means of developing a collective memory, the memory the Lakers, Celtics, Knicks, Bulls, Niners, Packers, Cowboys, Yankees, and Red Sox have. It is ironically what the Heat have started to build: a franchise
November 15, 2012

Letter to the People of Los Angeles

Dear Laker Nation, Hello from New York! We love your weather, your people, and occasionally your prices. We don’t like your earthquakes. We New Yorkers have experienced the terror of floods, blackouts, and out of control parades. Then there is the annual
November 15, 2012

Dramatic Storylines Open NBA Season

At that winter externship mixer (and beyond), you might find yourself in the midst of V.I.S.F.s (very important sports fans). For the Swarthmore Student Body’s convenience, the Phoenix has put together a flash card primer of strong storylines for the young 2012-2013
November 1, 2012

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