
Gazebo Now Planned as NYU Abu Dhabi Recruitment Center

As many students may know, Student Council has had trouble establishing plans for a new Gazebo on the Science Center lawn. Dealing with cranky student engineers and cheap Student Budget Committee members, StuCo members had almost given up the entire plan until
April 1, 2011

Board of Managers Approves Zombie Deer Cull

This weekend, the Board of Managers approved a controversial plan to cull the zombified deer currently proliferating in the Crum Woods. It is still unknown why the deer, which were thought to have been vanquished successfully this past winter, have risen again
April 1, 2010

The Daily Gazette is Hiring for Spring 2010

The Daily Gazette is always on the look-out for more staff members, whether you want to be extraordinarily prolific or an occasional, thoughtful contributor. In particular, we have positions for reporters, photographers, videographers, and web developers, but if you have some other
December 17, 2009


From the game room in Tarble to the public computers in McCabe, love can strike anywhere at Swarthmore. Find your connection in time to meet the family on Thanksgiving day.
November 18, 2009

All’s Well that Ends at Some Point

Installation artist Ima Fraud and Dramaturge Keith Galessing have joined forces in developing a new vision of Shakespeare's "All's Well that Ends Well," performed entirely with garden gnomes.
March 31, 2009
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