Dawn Lundy-Martin delivers intimate, electrifying reading

Around thirty people crammed their way into a Kohlberg classroom this past Monday to hear the poetic musings of Dawn Lundy-Martin. Starting at 7PM, the reading’s timing catered more to a post-dinner nap than an exercise in the written word; certainly the

Exhibit sheds new light on classic Italian mosaics

As the new academic year begins, there will be countless opportunities to overstress, over think, and spend too much time with your head buried in work. Luckily enough, Swarthmore Libraries’ first art installation of the year fits well into the beginning of

McCabe exhibit tells French immigrant stories

Immigration has exploded in American political discourse, becoming a part of every candidate’s platform and affecting our relations with the outside world. This debate, obviously, cannot be isolated to the United States but rather exists in every country, to a certain extent.

Jenny Yang ’00 brings humorous, passionate story to campus

Upon entering last Friday’s stand-up performance by Jenny Yang ’00 — late, I might add — and finding her personifying her bare stomach, I couldn’t help but be taken aback, and immediately excited, for the next hour. I suppose I shouldn’t have

Funk group brings socially conscious music, dance to campus

  The audience hurriedly shuffled onto the stage in Pearson-Hall Theater, gyrating in what could only be described as a crude attempt at a distorted Cupid Shuffle. What they lacked in technical talent, however, they more than made up for with enthusiasm

Candidate gives talk on Afro-German cultural movements

Hip-hop is often thought of in a strictly American context without consideration of its international iterations and nuances. Consequently, the implications of the genre and its embedded messages in other countries are rarely considered from an American perspective. Vanessa Plumly, a PhD