Best Chantanapongvanij

A Letter To The Class of 2024

Although we may be scattered across the globe, we would like to extend our collective congratulations to you, class of 2024. Your countless late nights, tireless effort into your extracurriculars, and summit of the ever-growing obstacle known as the college application process
May 8, 2020

DPA Program Discontinued for 2020-21

On Feb. 10, the Office of Student Engagement sent an email informing the Swarthmore community that OSE is no longer hiring Diversity Peer Advisors and the applications for the next school year have been discontinued, as they are in the process of
February 20, 2020

New Seed Grant Brings Translangualism to Swat

On November 7th, Professor Natalie Mera Ford, Swarthmore’s Multilingual Language Specialist and Visiting Assistant Professor in the English Department, alongside Professor Betty Litsinger, an English professor and the director of multilingual writing at Bryn Mawr, and Professor Barabra Hall, the multilingual and
December 5, 2019

Mock Trial Off to a Strong Start After Year-Long Hiatus

After a year-long hiatus, current club presidents Scout Hayashi ’22 and Veronica Yabloko ’22 [Yabloko is an arts writer for The Phoenix but was not involved in the production of this article] have revived Swarthmore’s Mock Trial Club and, last week, they
November 14, 2019

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