Preview: Watching Worthstock

For many Swatties staggering deliriously towards the hazy end of this semester’s classes, laden with work and seared by the indelible imprint of Sharple’s coffee, there is a singular light at the end of tunnel, a solitary specter of summer bliss gorged

Preview: Honors Directing Thesis “Burn This”

This weekend, “Burn This,” a 1987 play by Pulitzer Prize winner Lanford Wilson, will run in LPAC’s Frear Ensemble Theater. The production is senior Jeanette Leopold’s  Honors Directing thesis. For Leopold, the performance is the culmination of a year’s work, which began

Big Boi 101

With the announcement last week that Big Boi would headline this year’s Large Scale Event came some surprise, relief that we actually have LSE this year, and at least a couple blank stares and hesitant comments: “Who?” A grunted “He’s one half

Mental Health at Swarthmore: Are We Happy Here?

An informal Phoenix online poll conducted last week produced striking results. Of 185 respondents — about 12% of the student body — 54% reported that they had suffered from anxiety and/or depression while at Swarthmore, while 58% disagreed that stress, anxiety, and/or

Warning: Small Craft Changes

In 1980 the campus literary magazine called the Null Set Review and staffed by, among others, Jonathan Franzen, voted to change its name to Small Craft Warnings, after a Tennessee Williams play. Small Craft is now the campus’s oldest literary magazine, with

Swarthmore Quidditch

As Swarthmore undergoes its now annual transformation into a secluded wizarding utopia, you may notice that, well, it already is one. We don’t, admittedly, have a massive lake populated by merpeople — and the continued lack of any courses touching on Arithmancy

From Games to Reality: Q&A with Jane McGonigal

Jane McGonigal, PhD is a games developer and the author of “Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make us Better and How they Can Change the World.” Her work focuses on how social video games and collective intelligence can be used to solve

Alums Collaborate on Music Video in LPAC

Since graduation this May, Cecily Bumbray ’12 has energetically pursued a career as a singer-songwriter. And while she’s only been gone for a little more than three months, last Thursday Bumbray returned to Swarthmore—not to visit old friends and professors, reminisce, or