Alli Shultes

Obituaries to Die For

Tom Bullamore opened his talk at Haverford College this Monday with an apology to audience members who may have recently lost a loved one. He then jumped immediately into the heart of “Make ‘em Laugh, Make ‘em Cry: Obituaries to Die For,”
October 4, 2012

Bedtime with the Deans

In the midst of freshmen orientation week’s characteristic chatter, the sudden silence in Wharton C Basement caught Wellness Coordinator Satya Nelms off guard.“‘Come, Boy, sit down, sit down and rest…’” Abby Holtzman ’15 read from “The Giving Tree” as tea-tasting attendees quieted
September 27, 2012

Olympic Star John Carlos to Speak at Haverford

As the last strains of the Star-Spangled Banner lingered over the Olympic stadium, the United States 200-meter dash medalists Tommie Smith and John Carlos were met with a salvo of jeering.They stood with their heads bowed, black-gloved fists extended upwards in a
September 27, 2012

New Belly Dancing Club Comes to Swarthmore

For all you Pub Nite attendees who grin and bear the booze solely for the final half-hour of stress-blowing shimmying, Thursday nights are looking up. A new belly dancing class, taught by the internationally acclaimed dancer and choreographer Najia of Philadelphia Bellydance,
September 19, 2012

Plenty of Fish Outside the Bubble

The Quaker Matchbox, The Swat Marriage, The Sharples Run-In With Last Night’s Drunken Paces Hook-Up: for some, these relationships are an enduring facet of campus life, an inevitable consequence of the Swarthmore social scene. What other options are there? We’re hopeless intellectuals
September 19, 2012

Breaking the ice with Swarthmore’s RAs

Breaking the ice: a look at RA orientation As first-years, it’s easy think that the Swarthmore experience begins the instant you set foot on campus, waving the plane/train/automobile that delivered you to academic salvation off into the haze of Philadelphia. However, for
August 30, 2012

Orientation Ice Breakers

Love them or hate them, icebreakers abound during Orientation week on campus. Delivering giggles and guffaws to dorm lounges near you, the silly questions and absurd challenges work wonders for tempering nerves. “I’m not a very big fan of most ice breakers,
August 30, 2012

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