Alli Shultes

Cariad Chester '13 chats with Kristof about global health

Learning How To Think … About Majors

In 1999, a professor of art history at the college delivered an address titled “The Usefulness of Uselessness.” Her argument has since become the academic credo on campus; the idea that the pursuit of interests, no matter how disparate or “useless” they
January 31, 2013

Bloody, But Unbowed

John Seaman’s life, as described in his recently self-published memoir, “Bloody But Unbowed,” is as eccentric as the man it captures in its pages, and equally defies attempted categorization. A self-proclaimed atheist, Naturist, nude photographer, recovering schizophrenic and Swarthmore graduate, Seaman and
November 29, 2012

National Novel Writing Month at Swarthmore

Take a moment and imagine your all-time best hand at Misery Poker – the twenty-page lab report, the twenty-hour problem set, the botched pass and lost match, the breakup and the breakdowns – and add 1,667 words. Now multiply by 30. National
November 15, 2012

Behind the Scenes with Rhythm ‘n Motion

Whatever excuses you may have for not attending Rhythm ‘n Motion’s annual fall dance performance this Saturday at 8:00 probably won’t hold up in the dancers’ books. Going out? Consider the show a pregame for RnM’s post-performance Wharton-D party. Tired? So are
November 15, 2012

Crum Regatta Racers Beat Sandy to the Finish

The moans from crew members entering Crum Creek on Sunday morning seemed more indicative of some tortuous rite-of-passage à la pledge season than voluntary quests for fame and glory, but as the shrill blast from the Registrar’s whistle signaled the start of
November 1, 2012

Halloween Help from Your Professors

Maybe Sandy spoiled your weekend costume-shopping plans. Maybe your past two weeks have been midterm-ridden or paper-laden. Maybe you’re holding out for that holiday epiphany, that sudden vision of a clever, eco-friendly, socially conscious and just-so slutty costume that’s worthy of your
November 1, 2012

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