Alli Shultes

Koziol brews up her own unique thesis topic

Alison Koziol ’15 comes from “the land of beer.” The sociology major’s hometown of Fort Collins, Colo. is home to 15 breweries — some of which were founded by the parents of her childhood playmates. So when she proposed a sociology thesis
October 23, 2014

Report calls for sexual misconduct policy shifts

This August, the Task Force on Sexual Misconduct submitted a 33-page report presenting its findings on campus attitudes and policies related to issues of sexual abuse and violence. Incorporating insights from 16 months’ worth of open dialogue, document-based research and private conversations
October 2, 2014

For some students, college firsts include sex

Molly* ’15 came into college without ever having been in a long-term relationship. She was a virgin and the least sexually experienced of her female friends — but she had plans to change that. “I actually came to Swat and was like,
September 4, 2014

Breaking the silence on disordered eating

Last spring Laura Fitzgerald ’14 published an article in the Daily Gazette describing her suicide attempt in the fall of her junior year. At the end of the piece, which describes feelings of hopelessness, cutting and the night she overdosed on sleeping
November 13, 2013
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