On Tuesday, more than fifty Swatties gathered in the packed McCabe reading room to listen to Yu Hua, one of most famous writers in China, discuss his latest novel “Brothers”.
As the housing lottery looms nearer, The Daily Gazette sat down with Max Wilson ’10 and Mark Czernyk ’11, residents of the Phi Psi house, to discuss their interesting living situation.
In the beginning of the semester, the Swarthmore Alumni Relations Office held a student art contest where students would submit their photographs, paintings, and other artistic media that they thought evoked the essence of Swarthmore College.
Last Saturday, Trio(Blue), a New York City-based jazz band, performed avant-garde jazz with opening musical acts by Ben Starr ’11 and a student jazz ensemble in a concert held in Bond Hall. Ivana Ng ’12 with the help from Jazz Ensemble Director,
The Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility announced the newest class of 2011 recipients of the Eugene M. Lang Opportunity Scholarship. Recipients Ecem Erseker, Priya Johnson, Katherine Lam, Chengetai Mahomva, Ashia Troiano, and Sneha Shrestha have each been awarded a guaranteed
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