Angela Meng

Are you a Workaholic?

In another quiz from Angela Meng, the Gazette helps you figure out whether or not you qualify as a workaholic.
April 12, 2009

Febrary 15, 2009 StuCo 411

Student Council discussed their Dean Larimore meeting, communications to the upcoming Swarthmore President, and updates on the recipe contest.
February 15, 2009

Trio(Blue) Performs Avant-Garde Jazz at Swarthmore

Last Saturday, Trio(Blue), a New York City-based jazz band, performed avant-garde jazz with opening musical acts by Ben Starr ’11 and a student jazz ensemble in a concert held in Bond Hall. Ivana Ng ’12 with the help from Jazz Ensemble Director,
February 1, 2009

The Lang Scholars of 2011

The Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility announced the newest class of 2011 recipients of the Eugene M. Lang Opportunity Scholarship. Recipients Ecem Erseker, Priya Johnson, Katherine Lam, Chengetai Mahomva, Ashia Troiano, and Sneha Shrestha have each been awarded a guaranteed
January 25, 2009
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