Alex Jimenez

Swat students join Au Bon Pain protest in Philadelhia

On Thursday, November 13, at the Philadelphia International Airport, Swarthmore students and Au Bon Pain employees wore picket boards that read “Au Bon Pain PHIL does not have a union.” On the sidewalk outside of Terminal B, protesters formed a picket line
November 20, 2014

Obtaining tenure a lengthy process at Swarthmore

Though students at the college may be unaware of the specifics of the tenure process, most can envision the security promised by a tenured position at the school. “An appointment with tenure means an appointment for the rest of your professional career,”
November 6, 2014

Swat Team revitalized to enhance party safety

Along with changes made to the campus’ alcohol policies, Swat Team has undergone its own structural and training changes. While Swat Team — previously known as the Party Associates (PAs)—has been in the process of transforming its policies and image since the
October 23, 2014

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