The discussions about last year's chalkings were lengthy and at times painful, but it looks like we actually learned some lessons from it. So far, the chalkings have taken important [...]
According to the Bi-Co News, Haverford president Stephen G. Emerson aims to "ban smoking campus-wide in the very near future." This potential change has caused some debate, and a later [...]
In response to Jose Aleman's editorial printed in The Phoenix on 4/05/07, we apologize to Aleman and anyone else we offended with the "Identity Studies" article. Our intent was not [...]
In order to have your group events listed in the Daily Gazette, simply email us with the time and location, preferably by 9:00 p.m. the day before. Ads of up [...]
In the past, the Daily Gazette has stopped publication at the end of classes, so today would normally be our last issue of the semester. This year, we are happy [...]
At their weekly meeting last night, members of Student Council passed a resolution stating their committment to the efforts to save SEPTA. The text of the resolution is reproduced below. [...]
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