The Editorial Board

Chalkings Step In The Right Direction

The discussions about last year's chalkings were lengthy and at times painful, but it looks like we actually learned some lessons from it. So far, the chalkings have taken important [...]
October 23, 2007

Changing Rules for Smokers?

According to the Bi-Co News, Haverford president Stephen G. Emerson aims to "ban smoking campus-wide in the very near future." This potential change has caused some debate, and a later [...]
October 9, 2007


Welcome! Our video and audio sections are not live. Check back soon! We'll be sure to make an announcement when we do start running them. [...]
July 6, 2007

Letter from the editors

In response to Jose Aleman's editorial printed in The Phoenix on 4/05/07, we apologize to Aleman and anyone else we offended with the "Identity Studies" article. Our intent was not [...]
April 6, 2007

Reminder to campus groups

In order to have your group events listed in the Daily Gazette, simply email us with the time and location, preferably by 9:00 p.m. the day before. Ads of up [...]
January 23, 2007

Editor’s note

In the past, the Daily Gazette has stopped publication at the end of classes, so today would normally be our last issue of the semester. This year, we are happy [...]
December 6, 2005
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