The Editorial Board

Campus Life Representative, Victor Brady ’13

My name is Victor Brady and I would like to represent you on Student Council as one of your Campus Life Representatives. I love our Swarthmore Community, and beyond working as a tour guide and with our Swarthmore athletic teams, I would
December 3, 2010

Secretary, Maria Thomson ’14

My name is Maria Thomson and I am running to be Secretary of our Student Council. I believe I am well-suited to fill this position primarily given my history of exemplary organization and note-taking habits, in addition to efficiency, timeliness, and seriousness
December 3, 2010

Campus Life Representative, Rachell Morillo ’14

Hello students of Swarthmore College, my name is Rachell Morillo and I am currently a first year student. I am writing in hopes of convincing you to vote for me as Campus Life Representative. At face value, this position may seem a
December 3, 2010

Vice-President, Olivia Ensign ’12

Hello, my name is Olivia Ensign and I want to represent you as the Vice President of Swarthmore Student Council. For those of you who like to skim there are three major themes included in my platform: more active student participation in
December 3, 2010

Campus Life Representative, Peter Ballen ’14

Hi, my name is Peter Ballen, and I’m running to be a campus life representative. Why did I choose to apply for this position? Because, I got tired of the constant emails describing how wonderful working on StuCo was, and it’s not
December 3, 2010

Add to our Harry Potter Memories!

Dear readers, please submit your Harry Potter memories! Let's all share our long waits in midnight lines, our Halloween (or just everyday) costumes, our I-read-it-faster-and-more times-than-you poker (you know you play), and our genuine love of Harry and his pals.
November 18, 2010


From Sharples to the dorm lounge, love can strike anywhere at Swat.
October 27, 2010

Changes in the Gazette’s Staff Policies

The Gazette is formalizing our staff reporter position. We will still be very welcoming to anyone who wants to come to meetings and write articles for us, but the title of Staff Reporter will now be limited to those reporters who show
October 19, 2010

Why Was Santa Claus On Campus Saturday?

The Gazette heard from readers that someone in a Santa Claus costume was in the Amphitheater and Upper Tarble on Saturday night, and was asked to investigate. We heard only vague rumors that it was for a film class -- other, that
October 4, 2010


From the Parrish Parlors to Sharples, love can strike anywhere at Swarthmore.
September 23, 2010
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