The Editorial Board

We got a right to pick a little fight, Bonanza

Justo fabulas singulis at pri, saepe luptatum mei an. Duo idque solet scribentur eu, natum iudico labore te eos, no utinam tibique nam. Viderer labitur nostrud et per, disputationi mediocritatem necessitatibus ex eam. Verterem qualisque no per. Id oratio veritus antiopam duo,
December 24, 2017

Why men do not belong in the abortion conversation

Last week, I was sitting down in the second floor lounge of Willets pretending to do homework and talking to a bunch of my dorm mates about complete nonsense. This is a common theme in the public spaces of Willets and perfectly
December 7, 2017

Jukebox: the power of the playlist

I have a playlist for just about every genre and every mood. There’s “Air Karaoke.” “Lazy.” “Jitters.” “Covers.” “Classic Rock.” “If You Don’t Know the Song, Ask Your Parents.” I could keep going. “Boy Bands.” “Candy Kids.” “Jukebox.” “Dance Around.” There are
December 7, 2017

Dear President Smith, Since the founding of Swarthmore in 1864, the college has educated students in terms of global impact and social change. From Helen Magill to Micah White, students have been encouraged to engage in community and speak out against injustice;
November 14, 2017

The Quest to be Costumed

As a child, during the heady, early stages of Halloween costume planning, when I was constrained only by my imagination and the fine motor skills necessary to render its products in Magic Marker, I was always attracted by the idea of becoming
November 2, 2017

A reflection on self-efficacy and social media

A couple weekends ago, I saw Chris Thile, a mandolin-playing musician with three Grammys and the MacArthur Genius Award. During a pre-show demonstration for Swat students and staff, Thile spoke about a delicate part of being human. He presented us with a
October 26, 2017

Board game night is a winner at Kitao

Kitao organized a board game night Friday for the frisky few who felt like having fun. The appointed time came and then the people did, the repurposed fraternity illuminated with soft but sufficient lighting, its walls reverberating with the sounds of a
October 12, 2017
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