Lauren Knudson

In defense of the Iowa caucus

I stood outside my old junior high school in 30 degree weather awkwardly waving to my high school government teacher and those neighbors whose names I just couldn’t remember. I looked up and down the 150 yard line of lively people laughing
February 4, 2016

College to build outdoor social space, restrooms by Olde Club

The administration and facilities departments are working to renovate the grassy space by Olde Club and the fraternities by building a new small building with a handicap accessible restroom and a more adaptable outdoor space. The project has run into financing obstacles,
November 12, 2015

Smith installed as 15th president of college

This past weekend over 1,200 people came to campus to celebrate the inauguration of President Valerie Smith. The celebrations started on Friday, October 2 with the Tree Planting Ceremony and came to a close Saturday, October 3 with the Installation Ceremony. Smith
October 8, 2015

Admissions will no longer consider essay scores

The admissions office has changed its admission requirements and will no longer require or evaluate SAT or ACT essays. Several key factors played into this decision, including an internal study that found low correlation between SAT/ACT essay scores and college performance, a
September 17, 2015

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