Student Election Day Information

Here are the resources and information Swarthmore College students need in order to vote on Election Day. 

Election Day: Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024

Polls Open: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. across Pennsylvania

Voting Locations:

  • Students registered at 500 College Ave. should check their registration to confirm their precinct. Voting locations are based on the dorm a student was living in when they first registered in Pennsylvania:Swarthmore Rutledge School; 100 College Ave. (Northern Precinct): Dana, Danawell, Hallowell, Lodges, Mertz, AP, DK, Parrish, Wharton, Willets, Whittier, Woolman, Worth
  • CADES; 401 Rutgers Ave. (Western Precinct): Mary Lyons, Palmer, Pittinger, Roberts, NPPR, StrathHaven

Identification Requirements:
If it’s your first time voting at a specific precinct — whether you registered in Pennsylvania this year or changed your dorm registration — students should bring their Swarthmore College student ID or another valid form of photo identification. Additionally, first-time voters can use the registration confirmation card they received in the mail as a valid photo ID. Voter ID is not required unless you are voting for the first time at a precinct.

Support and Services:
SwatVotes and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) will be available for assistance at the Rose Garden Circle and Matchbox from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

  • Shuttle Service: Shuttles will run from 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. to both polling locations, with pickup at the Rose Garden Circle and Matchbox.
  • Food: The Halal Kitchen Philly food truck will be at the Rose Garden Circle from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., sponsored by the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility. All are welcome to food, regardless of voter eligibility. 

Students are encouraged to visit the tables with questions or to request directions to polling locations.

Sample Ballots:

Through the SwatVotes Voter Guide, students can locate nonpartisan information to learn more about candidates on the ballot. Election Day details and sample ballots can be found through this resource that can help voters prepare to cast their vote on Nov. 5.

Ballot Information:

The first page of the ballot will prompt you to vote for president, U.S. senator, attorney general, and auditor general. The second page of the ballot will prompt you to vote for state treasurer, congress representative for Delaware County’s 5th district, and general assembly representative in the 165th district.  These are partisan positions where you select only one candidate. You can vote for different parties throughout the ballot. Links to candidate platforms can be found on our student voter guide, above. 

If registered at 500 College Ave., voters can drop off mail-in ballots at polling locations or at the drop box located at the Swarthmore Borough Library (121 Park Avenue) in the Ville until 8 p.m. on Nov. 5. According to Pennsylvania law, voters must return their own ballots unless they are using the Authorized Designated Agent Form.

Amidst the pressure of courses, jobs, and conflicts, remember the impact we can have as students on the 2024 election. If you are registered to vote, take the initiative to vote and ensure your peers do too. You can visit @SwatVotes on Instagram for information about voting and ask any questions. SwatVotes provides nonpartisan voter information for registration as well as for the election.

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