October 2019 - Page 8

mental health

Mindfulness is More Than Meditation

When I used to think about mindfulness, I would groan internally, imagining someone sitting under a tree for hours with their eyes closed. This transformed into a deeper dislike for “mindfulness” when my parents forced me to try it. At thirteen, sitting
October 3, 2019

Thinking Through Impeachment

The beginning of impeachment proceedings against President Trump will almost certainly define the last stage of his presidency, and potentially the future of both parties. It’s still far too early to know what the results of the impeachment inquiry may be. We
October 3, 2019

Artist of the Week Inna Kimbrough

As I sit down with Art major Inna Kimbrough ’21 in her new Beardsley studio, she sets up her easel just in time for it to crash down to the floor. “Dude, this is so chaotic,” she says, laughing. Kimbrough’s large expressionist
October 3, 2019
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