Throughout history, athletes have demonstrated that they can and should take active roles in the fight for justice. Muhammad Ali personifies the greatness, both in physical ability and in advocacy, that all athletes should strive for. On April 28, 1967, Ali refused to be drafted in the U.S. military and became a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War. Ali argued that his faith prevented him from fighting in an unjust war. He was convicted of draft evasion and sentenced to five years in prison, though he managed to avoid imprisonment and was stripped of his boxing license at the peak of his career. His conviction was overturned four years later, and his license was renewed in 1970. Throughout his life, Ali used his platform and personality to shine a light on causes that mattered deeply to him and to act as a voice for those who needed one. The impact of this activism helped to strengthen and motivate the movements that defined the 20th century.
Fast forward 50 years, and we come to Colin Kaepernick’s “Take a Knee” protests against police brutality. Kaepernick used his platform to call attention to the systemic racism and violence that people of color face in the United States, often at the hands of police. Kaepernick has been without a team for the past few years since he started his protest. More recently, he has won a lawsuit that demonstrates that he was blacklisted from football for his activism. Teams refused to hire him because his message was “too political.” Many claimed that they only objected to his method of protest, kneeling during the national anthem. In reality, it was his message that prompted negative responses. White fans were made uncomfortable by the topic of police brutality and by being forced to recognize their own complicity in the violence. This anger at Kaepernick very much mirrors the way that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of the white moderate, whom he said “paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’” Kaepernick did not take action with the expectation that no backlash would occur. He took action in spite of the criticism because he cared deeply about the issue. Ali and Kaepernick were a model for other athletes by using their voice and power to lift up the voices of others.
Ali and Kaepernick’s actions contrast with those of Michael Jordan, who has refrained from speaking up about political issues until it is no longer considered risky. Michael Jordan is not alone in this regard, as this describes a majority of current athletes. Many more athletes should follow Ali and Kaepernick’s example and use their platforms to do good. It is a privilege to remain apolitical. Many athletes are told to “stay in their lane,” but the truth is that remaining apolitical is a choice to side with the groups in power, and that athletes are perfectly positioned to draw attention to the most potent issues that we face. Speaking up is not without its risks (Ali and Kaepernick both lost their jobs), but the point of activism is to defy risk in order to be a part of something bigger. As the center of pride and camaraderie, athletes unite people of different backgrounds, locations, and identities. They are more likely to be listened to and not dismissed than an already established politician or organizer. Just as the arts have bridged divides across history, from resistance music in apartheid South Africa, to Taiko drumming in Japan, the parts of our lives that we consider uncontroversial and incredibly personal (art, music, movies, sporting events) have the most power to change our mindsets and our actions. The more that athletes speak out about an issue, the more normalized the resistance becomes. While other prominent figures can certainly spread messages, the role of the athlete has a unique potency in the way that we view it. Athletes represent the best that humanity can achieve. As such, their messages spread into daily discourse more effectively. Coaches and owners have a heightened obligation to speak up as well. As the main power holders in professional athletics, they carry significant amounts of weight, and at the bare minimum, should be backing up their athletes who choose to take a stand. The burden of this fight should not be placed on the shoulders of a select group of athletes of color but should be spread across those with power and privilege. White athletes are especially positioned to use their multiple layers of power to help bring attention to the voices of the marginalized, and as such face a heightened obligation and responsibility to do so.
The word athlete stems from the Greek word ἄϝεθλον (áwethlon), which itself comes from a root word that means “to strive.” With this in mind, not only are athletes in a prime position to serve as a platform for causes, but they also have an obligation to do so if they wish to fulfill the true meaning of their role in society. They should strive not just for physical greatness and prowess, but also for greatness in the broader sense. They should champion causes of great importance to them, and they should be just as unrelenting in their push for justice as they are in their respective fields. College athletes are uniquely positioned in their dual role as activists and athletes and should be especially vigorous in their fight for justice. Muhammad Ali was an amazing boxer, but fighting alone is not what made him “The Greatest.” Ali used his voice to serve the vulnerable, and his greatest fight did not take place in a boxing ring, it took place on the international stage. Ali’s activism made him great, and such devotion is something that every athlete should strive for.
Athletes have an obligation to no longer exist on our campus, same with the frats! Not conducive to an inclusive campus whatsoever, I should not be a lower rung on the “popularity ladder” because I don’t play games during the day. Plus we lose funding that could be going to underprivileged students. Not even sure why college sports are a thing tbh
What about holistic learning? Health and wellness? What about dedication, sportsmanship, accountability? Being able to get along with others who don’t always have the same beliefs/ideas/background as you, and work towards a common goal?
I think Swarthmore, in particular, could hugely benefit from more students being able to do the latter. Skills like this are a core part of what it means to be a student-athlete and at least in my experience, are emphasized in athletics (especially at D3 level.)
There are very few (no) other clubs or organizations that require the same dedication and time commitment, aside from academics.
Saying that student-athletes should “no longer exist” is disrespectful to the time (measured in years) that student-athletes have committed to excel outside the classroom and mocking student-athletes by saying they just “play games during the day” is rude and disregards the enormous amount of effort that comes with being recruited, traveling to games and being a top-tier student all at the same time.
Instead of viewing student-athletes as not conducive to an inclusive campus, perhaps try talking to one? or showing up to some games? Huge schools, while having their own inclusivity issues, all rally behind teams and athletics. Anyone can support their team, so I’d argue that support and school-spirit is wholly inclusive.
So, the funding mentioned (and FYI is mostly obtained through targeted donations, and not being “taken away” from underprivileged students) is, (in my (low-income student) opinion, absolutely worth it. College athletics allow students the opportunity to continue their pursuit of being a well-rounded PERSON, not just as an academic- and isn’t that what Swarthmore is all about?
Dude don’t hate on athletics just because you have no coordination. Some of us do, and we like sports thankuverymuch
Don’t be such a defeatist. You certainly don’t have to be an athlete to be popular at swat. Perhaps you should take more aware from this article and take it upon yourself to be excellent rather than blame a group you evidently don’t relate to anyway.
College sports gave me the best friends I’ve ever had in life and feelings of community and self-worth I didn’t know were possible. That’s why they exist. Not one person at Swat is playing sports to climb the “popularity ladder”, especially because we know there are people out there who mistakenly believe us to be some kind of social justice-hating villains. Most of the current athletes at Swat, including those who were in the frats themselves, agreed it was time for them to go. It’s ignorant and short-sighted to say we shouldn’t be allowed to do what we love on campus the same way all other Swatties are.
You say athletes should not exist then claim to support an “inclusive campus”. Seems a little ironic
@Came here to study…
It is truly sad that you couldn’t leave the notion of a “popularity ladder” in middle school. What’s even sadder is that you paint all athletes as antithetical to an inclusive community with a broad brushstroke. That doesn’t sound very “inclusive” to me… it sounds like you have an obligation to just outright be a nicer person.
I think it’s important to realize that many athletes aren’t in a position to risk their career for political justice. Many come from low income families themselves and have relatives and friends and children who depend on them for financial support. Instead of casting judgement, I think it’d be better to glorify the idea of activism to make it more appealing to athletes in general. Shame isn’t always the best tool to enact change.
Athletes honestly just make me feel uncomfortable on campus. They should go to Mars.
or maybe you should go to mars to escape all the scary athletes
But athletes are so scary and should give me my own campus. I am so sick of toxic athletes. I was born uncoordinated and scared of athletes. #gotoMarsathletes