February 2019

SGO Hosts Discussion on BDS Resolution, Will Revote

Note: due to the targeted harassment towards individuals who have spoken about BDS, we have made certain individuals anonymous at their request. This past Sunday, a regularly scheduled Student Government Organization meeting ran nearly half an hour over its allotted time with
February 28, 2019

An Exquisite Corpse Brims with Life

“An Exquisite Corpse” as directed by Rohan Hejmadi ’21 and Amaechi Abuah ’21 brought the apocalypse to the audience. On February 22, 2019, at the main stage of the Lang Performing Arts Center, four actors played in one of the most varied
February 28, 2019

Swarthmore Men’s Basketball Reigns Supreme, Wins Conference

Winning the Centennial Conference was once considered a laughable goal for the Swarthmore men’s basketball team. In the 2011-2012 season, the team went 3-22, posting a losing record for a fifteenth straight year. Now, the program is virtually unrecognizable since Coach Landry
February 28, 2019

Underfunded and Underattended: Why Pub Nite Is Still Struggling

After years of predictions about Pub Nite’s imminent decay, it seems that the long-standing Thursday night tradition is now officially seeing its last days. Donations to the entirely student-funded event have declined due to reinforcement of the ban on drinking games, new
February 28, 2019

A Case for Open Borders

Following Congress’ failure to fund a continuous wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, President Trump declared a state of national emergency for what he claims is an immigration crisis. This follows the 35-day government shutdown in December and January over the same border
February 28, 2019

Why Do Some Athletes Quit?

As conference play wrapped up last week, men’s and women’s basketball each celebrated their senior days. Men’s basketball celebrated the two seniors, while the women’s team celebrated only one. Like many other sports teams, the basketball teams are overwhelmingly filled with underclassmen.
February 28, 2019

JVP Centers Jewish Identity on Israel-Palestine

On February 11, 2019, Swarthmore College’s own chapter of the national organization Jewish Voice for Peace held its first meeting in Kohlberg under the helm of members Abby Saul ’19 and Sydney Covitz ’20. JVP is a national group dedicated to supporting
February 28, 2019

Club Squash Team Finishes Highest in Years

Not many Swatties know that squash is one of the few co-ed club sports offered on campus. This could be for a number of reasons; the squash courts were torn down to make way for the construction of the Matchbox in 2014,
February 28, 2019

On My Chair

I bought the chair on a sunny Saturday afternoon, October 6, 2018, at a thrift sale outside the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. A kind old man sold it to me for exactly one dollar. I did not have cash on me, so I
February 28, 2019
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