SGO Special Election Platforms: Co-President

December 6, 2017

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette has reprinted these platforms in full without changes:

Gilbert Orbea

Hi! My name is Gilbert Orbea ‘19. I’ve been a Class of 2019 Senator since my freshman year, and have served as Speaker of the Senate in SGO since this fall. I’ve served on Student Life Committee and Appointments Committee. I’m running for Co-President, and I would appreciate your vote.

In my time at Swarthmore, I’ve worked hard on a variety of matters of importance to the student body, including:

  • Fighting for the institutionalization of Free Pads for Undergrads
  • Collaborating with student groups like Theta, Women in Computer Science, and the Green Advisors on a concerted push for more study breaks last semester
  • A current project to rewrite the SGO Constitution to be more concise and logical
  • Fought for the expansion of Matchbox hours and better meal plans

There’s more, however, to be done. Some things I want to get done are:

  • Work closely with the Sharples Renovation Committee to get the best design plans and dining experience out of the new dining hall and Student Union
  • Increase campus dialogue through the realization of SGO Town Halls and initiatives for greater SGO collaboration with other student groups
  • Continue the push for SEPTA subsidies and Free Pads for Undergrads institutionalization

I’ve served in SGO for three years. I know our Constitution, I know the power SGO has and its limits, and what has to be done to utilize that power fully. I want to do all that I can within the small timeframe of the spring semester to lay the foundation and fight for as many projects and questions as the student body has.

This isn’t a joke to me. I believe wholeheartedly in what SGO can do as liaisons for the student body to the administration. All we need is someone who can listen, understand, empathize, and then act swiftly and decisively.

I truly appreciate your vote, and cannot wait to get to work on the things Swarthmore students have wanted for far too long.

Talk to me: (201)-994-9912

Email me:

Or connect with me on Facebook.


Gilbert Orbea ‘19

Speaker of the Senate and Class of 2019 Senator

Nancy Yuan

Dear Swatties,

My name is Nancy Yuan and I am very excited to be running for SGO Co-President. I would like to thank you for your support this year in electing me as the Class of 2019 Senator, Chair of Internal Affairs, and as your current At-Large Senator. Without your continued support, I would not have gained the diversity of experiences in SGO that allows me to now present my platform for SGO Co-President.

Currently, there is skepticism and frustration regarding what SGO can actually achieve for the student body. This is very understandable given the current state of affairs as the administration has not given SGO enough power to affect real change. I will advocate for a more direct involvement of the student body via and alongside SGO, and for the administration to act on the feedback from students so that committees are not merely a sounding board that administration can ignore. I want to change your perception of SGO and as your SGO Co-President I will prove to you that we can act on your demands. This will be a permanent power shift in the student body’s favor, even after I have completed my term.

What really concerns me is that even though we Swatties pride ourselves on academic rigour, it is evident from our love of misery-poker, the general sense of fatigue, and high levels of mental stress people are dealing with, that the status quo is not a healthy or sustainable environment for students. This must be addressed. At the moment, SGO does not have the capacity to alleviate the root cause of a heavy workload, but we can remove the non-academic factors that are adding unnecessary pressure on to students.

There is a lot of room for SGO to improve the Swarthmore experience for students. Apart from smaller changes like having more accessible tutoring services, funding sources, and campus jobs, I will also advocate for larger movements such as meeting the needs of various affinity groups. For smaller, newer affinity groups, it can be challenging to get administration to listen to your request or grievances, especially if you cannot book a meeting with a Dean or avenues of communication are not efficiently established. As your Co-President, I will use the weekly meetings with administration to voice your concerns and push for change.

Since my term as Co-President will be limited to only one semester, this will push me advocate for immediate and visible changes to be made for the student body. After my term, I will still have two more years at Swarthmore. Our interests are aligned and I am personally invested in continuing to improve campus life.

Previously I have been involved with the Global Health Forum, Forum for Free Speech, WOCKA, and 180 Consulting. Next semester I will only maintain my position with SGO and i20 so that I can dedicate more of my time to helping the wider student body. Our school is far from perfect but I don’t think that it is an excuse for us to be complacent when we know there are issues our friends, campus groups, and fellow Swatties are facing. SGO is an avenue to address our problems.

With your vote, I will survey the demonstrated needs of the Swarthmore student body and advocate for all. I look forward to working closely with the rest of the Senate and Executive Board in supporting the collaborative efforts between SGO and various student groups on campus, as well as strengthening the overall Swarthmore experience.

If you have any questions regarding my platform feel free to contact me at:

I look forward to working with, and for you.

Nancy Yuan ‘20

Swarthmore College

Sam Wallach Hanson

Hi Everyone,

My name is Sam Wallach Hanson, I’m a part of the class of 2018, and I’d like to be your SGO co-president. You’ve probably got a few questions. Good thing for you, I’ve got answers.

  1. Why do you want to be SGO co-president?
    1. Well I’m taking three credits next semester, so I’m mostly just looking for something to fill my spare time.
  1. What do you stand for? What are your campaign promises?*
    1. Swarthmore is an arboretum. So we’ve got to have some tree policies
      1. No class on 4/20
      2. Legal tree climbing
      3. Label every tree in the Crum
    2. Our endowment is huge: let’s do something with it
      1. Endowed fund to bring Kanye for Worthstock every year until he dies
      2. Move ML on campus
      3. Redistribute the endowment to all current students
    3. I want to improve the student experience
      1. Pasta bar on Tuesdays and Sundays instead of Wednesdays and Sundays
      2. Rename Renato Pizza to Renato’s Pizza
      3. No more alcohol policy
    4. Academics: That’s a totally manageable portion of everyone’s lives right?
      1. No more PE credit (Like actually though)
      2. Every professor on campus must teach a section of CS21
      3. No more lotteries: each class is BYO – Chair
  1. What the fuck?
    1. Seriously it’s only for a semester then I’m graduating, what’s the worst that could happen?
  1. Would you actually serve if elected?
    1. I think so. In fact I honestly intend to try to be a good president. I’ve cared a lot about student welfare in my time here and have no qualms about standing up to the administration for other students.
  1. Is this campaign a joke?
    1. The real question is, will you vote for me anyways?


* I have no intention of fulfilling any of these campaign promises: but when was the last time anyone did?

The Daily Gazette

The Daily Gazette is Swarthmore’s daily newspaper. The Gazette is sent out every work-day to more than 2,500 people, and has thousands of readers from across the world.

The Daily Gazette was organized during Fall semester 1996 by Sam Schulhofer-Wohl ’98. The goal: to provide timely coverage of campus news and Garnet sports while maintaining complete independence from the administration and student government.

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