October 2017

A reflection on self-efficacy and social media

A couple weekends ago, I saw Chris Thile, a mandolin-playing musician with three Grammys and the MacArthur Genius Award. During a pre-show demonstration for Swat students and staff, Thile spoke about a delicate part of being human. He presented us with a
October 26, 2017

Ethnic Studies programs face obstacles

On Oct. 9, the Swarthmore Indigenous Students’ Association highlighted in their demands to the college that the school does not have an Indigenous Studies program and offers few courses in indigenous studies in general. The creation and backing of ethnic studies programs
October 26, 2017

Despite support, concussed students face pressures

One in five high school students who play contact sports suffer a concussion each year, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. To facilitate recovery of concussed students, Swarthmore has a Concussion Team in place to support injured students. However, concussion
October 26, 2017

Athlete of the week: Sophia Stills ’21

Last week, the Swarthmore Women’s Soccer team continued to build on a successful 2017 season, with two big conference wins against Bryn Mawr and Gettysburg. Crucial in the two wins was forward Sophia Stills ’21 of Los Angeles, California, who scored in
October 26, 2017

Bio Professor Siwicki cited in Nobel prize-winning research

A research paper on the gene regulating the circadian rhythm that Professor of Biology Kathy Siwicki worked with a team on a research project about the gene regulating the circadian rhythm. On Oct. 2, this research won the Nobel Prize. The paper,
October 26, 2017

On our op-ed section

A dialogue has opened up on campus and around the nation about the role of journalism. As the nation becomes more and more polarized, so too do news organizations and publications. Publications are easily labeled “conservative” or “liberal,” and their readers often
October 26, 2017
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