SGO Report 3/13: Council for Educational Policy to explore Social Justice Requirement, Parrish Boards to be Redistributed

sgo swarthmore

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Last Sunday, the Student Government Organization (SGO) held an Executive Board Meeting in Parrish Parlors at 7:07 p.m. At the meeting, each committee chair gave updates on their committee’s project progress.

CEP Now Has Three Subcommittees

Chair of Academic Affairs Bobby Zipp ‘18 reports that the Council for Education Policy has broken up into three subcommittees. The three subcommittees are on diversity, the writing requirement, and the distribution requirement.

Progress on Parrish Boards

Chair of Student Organizations Kara Bledsoe ‘16 is leading her committee to begin distributing Parrish Boards among student groups. The committee made a master list of all the board spaces. Chartered groups will have priority in the distribution process, but non-chartered groups will have the chance to get any remaining board space.

Bledsoe’s committee is planning a study break to incentivize student groups to decorate their boards. Supplies and snacks will be provided.

Bledsoe is working on three main initiatives with her committee. The initiatives are 1) making amendments to the SGO constitutions, 2) Compiling an updated list of student clubs and groups for public access, and 3) Planning to host a leadership seminar in April with the Center of Innovation and Leadership.

Bledsoe’s committee has submitted the first draft of constitution amendments, and will begin revising it for final review.


Preliminary SGO Week Planning Begins

In an effort to increase publicity about SGO, its mission, and function in relation to student life, it is planning an SGO Week. During this week, the student body can interact with SGO members at designated events. SGO Week is planned to be hosted from April 11 to April 15.

Other News:

  • Chair of Diversity Salman Safir ‘16 is working on an admissions brochure for interfaith life.
  • Chair of Sustainability Bennett Parrish ‘18 is working on the sustainability showcase on April 15.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 P.M.

The minutes for the meeting can be found here:

Correction 3/21: there is no subcommittee on the social justice requirement.

Min Zhong

Min covers news regarding the Swarthmore Government Organization for The Daily Gazette. Min is interested in finance and anthropology, and any other topics that seek to understand how and why human beings make the choices they do. At Swarthmore, Min is involved in Swat Tank, and an investment club. Min only eats gala apples, shares a birthday date with John F. Kennedy, and is a Jack Kent Cooke Scholar from Arlington, VA. Min enjoys reading in her free time, and prefers savory over sweet.

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