April 2015 - Page 13

Freshmen bring additional talent to men’s tennis team

In the world of college tennis, it’s rare for an elite team to start one freshman. This year, the 29th-ranked Swarthmore tennis team consistently starts five. After graduating its first, second, fourth, fifth and sixth singles players, the Garnet looked like it
April 2, 2015


Last Wednesday, the college released the Campus Climate Survey – a survey that is over 30 questions – which aims to assess “climate” on campus. Climate is defined as “current attitudes, behaviors, and standards of employees and students concerning the access for,
April 2, 2015

“Rape haven” graffiti discovered on Delta Upsilon

Graffiti reading “Rape Haven” was found on the front wall of the Delta Upsilon fraternity Tuesday morning. Several fraternity members saw the graffiti and proceeded to contact Public Safety. While the responsible parties remain yet unnamed, the incident is under active investigation
April 2, 2015

Support of Swarthmore Mountain Justice Student Escalation

A child in Chester is diagnosed with asthma; a family is forced to leave their demolished home in the Philippines; the Niger Delta ecosystem is destroyed and indigenous groups are forcibly evicted and murdered; indigenous groups in Canada are forcibly evicted; subsistence
April 2, 2015

Democrats for Divestment

Swarthmore College Democrats has generally avoided participation in on-campus issues. We believe efforts to improve on-campus life are important, but have chosen to effect change through the democratic process, helping to elect candidates that we believe will advocate for our interests. There
April 2, 2015

Audiences spend a few hours in Ross’s garden of theater

Patrick Ross’s Directing Thesis, “Here in My Garden,” took audiences in the four times-packed Frear theater across time and space to a place where “infamous” women converge. The hauntingly beautiful score, engaging performances, and often hysterical script made up for the two
April 2, 2015

Civil Rights, Democrats, and the 21st Century

Last week, a column was published entitled “Historically, Democrats are the real bigots.”  Although I take pride in my party affiliation, I don’t feel that it is my responsibility to defend the Democratic Party merely for the sake of supporting a side.
April 2, 2015

College admits 12 percent of applicants

Twelve percent of applicants were offered admission to Swarthmore College’s Class of 2019. The college announced earlier this week that that it had accepted 950 of 7,817 applicants. These numbers indicate a 5-percent decrease in admission rate from last year’s admissions cycle,
April 2, 2015

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