Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Swarthmore Life Drawing
David Holmgren ’18 from Swarthmore Life Drawing requested supplemental funds totaling $600 to hire models and buy art supplies. The group plans to meet to draw models on a weekly basis until finals week, for a total of nine sessions.
Although the group is relatively new, Holmgren asserted that student interest in the group is strong. Dylan Gerstel ‘17, SBC office manager, suggested that the group run a three-week trial period to gauge student interest. The committee then voted on two proposals: the first, $240 for a three-week trial period, passed unanimously, compared to a full-funding proposal, which passed 4-2. This vote resulted in SBC giving the group the full $600.
A representative from SwaTango requested funds to cover admission fees for the group’s weekly trips to a studio in Media. Typically, around five students will go to the studio every Thursday. The group requested funds to pay for entrance fees for 10 weeks.
The committee discussion revolved around the proposed 10 weeks of funding; unless they plan to take a trip to the studio during finals week, there are only 9 weeks left in the semester. Ultimately, the committee proposed a grant of $225, which would cover 9 weeks. The proposal passed unanimously, with one member recusing.
SBC Mission Statement Discussion
As there were only two budget requests this week, SBC moved to discuss several proposed adjustments to its mission statement. Of the seven suggestions reviewed by the committee, three policies — not paying for airfare, not paying for SEPTA tickets unless it’s more cost effective than getting a van, and a $2,000 and $1,000 cap on coaches’ and assistant coaches’ yearly pay — were quickly accepted unanimously. Others were more heavily discussed; a $30 food cap for groups that host non-food specific events was accepted, but committee members agreed that the cap should be fluid and up to the committee to consider on a case-by-case basis.
SBC discussed a suggestion to create a baseline approximation for the amount of money awarded to particular types of groups or events. While agreeing to the idea of establishing a baseline, committee member Varun Prasad ‘16 acknowledged the wide spectrum of funding needs for certain categories. Committee members agreed, however, that the idea of SBC presenting publication groups with several printing options shows promise.
Additionally, committee members expressed disapproval toward the idea of funding closed and off-campus events. SBC chairperson Toby Levy ‘16 suggested the group could fund off-campus events on the condition that it is cheaper than doing it on-campus. The committee agreed to come back to the issue later.
Committee members remained undecided as to what the cap for large, food-based events should be; however, they agreed that there should be no yearly cap on food funds.
At the end of the session, SBC agreed to discuss the Spring Budgeting and Mentoring schedules at the next meeting.