September 2014 - Page 3

Between fiction and essay with Xiaolu Guo

The frame of a screen hangs on a wall before several rows of chairs in Swarthmore’s hallowed/multipurpose Eugene Lang Performing Arts Center. Several students and professors are sprinkled about, waiting for the film to begin in an abstract pattern with no reason
September 25, 2014

Divestment is possible and necessary

The movement to divest from fossil fuels started at Swarthmore in the Spring of 2011. It’s time that the institution from which the movement grew support it. Swarthmore needs to divest, and it needs to do it now. An increasing number of
September 25, 2014

Presidential committee begins search for Chopp replacement

The search for a permanent successor to Rebecca Chopp, who resigned this summer, has begun ramping up with a call for community feedback in the selection process by the newly-created Presidential Search Committee. The committee, working in partnership with the executive hiring
September 25, 2014

The lose-lose conundrum of financial aid

Although we live in the idyllic Swarthmore bubble, we must remember that it is an imperfect world, one that comes with a $60,000 price tag. One of the best features of Swarthmore is its diversity — not just in terms of ethnicity
September 25, 2014

A game-changer for the climate movement

This was a game-changing weekend for the international climate justice movement. On Sunday, 400,000 people, including 200 from the college, marched through the streets of New York City in what was the largest climate march in history. Hundreds of thousands more joined
September 25, 2014

Our community responsibility in the wake of Ferguson

On Saturday, August 9, Michael Brown, a young African American teenager was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. While walking down a street from his apartment to his grandmother’s house at 2:15 in the afternoon, Brown encountered a
September 25, 2014

An eye-opening walk in the park (or, arboretum)

 The Scott Arboretum is as much a source of beauty as allergic reactions: a collection of taxonomically classified plants. It is accessible to individuals for free at any time, and to organized tour groups according to a regular schedule. On Sunday, September
September 25, 2014

Swarthmore students represent college at hacking competition

A contingent of students traveled last weekend to the inaugural “Unhackathon” competition in New York City. The group included Dakota Pekerti ’16, Yenny Cheung ’16, Alpha Chau ’16, Uriel Mandujano ’16, and Jihoon Sun ’16. Although these students organized the trip together,
September 25, 2014
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