May 2014

Talking about money at Swarthmore

In 2005, a New York Times survey of randomly selected Americans revealed that no less than 92% believed themselves part of the middle/working class. Of the 8% who identified otherwise, 7% said they belonged to the lower class and 1% to the
May 9, 2014

Where does Pharrell belong?

People need to understand a few things about Pharrell before they can even begin to judge him as a musician. First off, he’s been in the music game for a long time (he’s 41 years old). He rose to fame as half
May 9, 2014

Fiction: Mystery

I sat down on my brother Wolff’s bed. “Wolffie wake up.” I was worried I had cut it too close. Our parents had only gone to bed a half hour ago—I had watched the red numbers on my clock flip, painfully, counting
May 9, 2014

Editor’s picks

Movie: ‘In a World,’ dir. Lake Bell Lately when I sit down to watch a ‘funny’ movie, I end up turning it off within ten minutes due to my inability to tolerate blatant sexist and racist jokes and stereotypes and propagations of
May 9, 2014

Fiction: At the party

Open up the longing I am offering you; give me that velvet you wrap around your head with sickening tightness; let me pull on the strands I see you left hanging off, so that you’ll look down at me and rip me
May 9, 2014

Fiction: Edmund

Every eye in Britain is staring at the same door. It’s not a particularly nice door; it’s really rather drab, with a rusty bronze handle. But everyone’s staring because out of this door, any second now, the new royal baby will say
May 9, 2014
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