April 2014 - Page 3

Fashion in flux

We are all sitting on Parrish beach in sundresses waiting for the school year to end so we can gtfo. We want to wear color and wander around with music playing out to the open air and rest. Sunday nights at Sharples
April 24, 2014

Minimum wage reform

Senator Tom Harkin and Representative George Miller’s election-year propositions have pushed minimum wage to the forefront of economic debate in the past year. Their bill, if passed, would raise the minimum wage to $10.10 in three steps over two and a half
April 24, 2014

Literary canon with a troubling history

Over the summer, I began a research endeavor under the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program. The Mellon Program seeks to increase the number of minorities holding PhDs in the humanities. I decided I would read four of Toni Morrison’s works and take
April 24, 2014

Daisy Fried ’89 returns to read poems

Daisy Fried wants you to enjoy the pain that comes with her poetry. The Swarthmore alum worked for many years at the Warren Wilson College (WWC), and has also taught at Smith College, Haverford College, Bryn Mawr College, Villanova University, Temple University,
April 24, 2014

Drumming and dancing bring unique form of unity

This semester, Sedinam Worlanyo ’17 and Eileen Hou ’16 worked as interns for Intergenerational Drum and Dance Project, which involves about 28 participants, mostly from the Greater Philadelphia community. Every Saturday morning for  four weeks, the participants attended a class at the
April 24, 2014
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