March 2014 - Page 4

How Swarthmore invests: a response to Peter Collings

I write in response to Peter Collings’ open letter, “The Inequity of Swarthmore’s Endowment Spending.” I am often called on to explain why we are not spending more freely from the endowment. For many of the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities,
March 27, 2014

Aesthete athlete: Sport style at Swat

We often build our identities around the things that we do. For 15 percent of our student body, varsity athletics provides a striking visual reflection of that reality. There are functional and practical aspects to the predominance of certain styles among athletes,
March 27, 2014

The unfathomable fallacy of heterosexual interaction

From times immemorial, endeavors to elucidate and fully understand the murky realm of sexual practices have been stunted by the impenetrable mystery of one set of practices. Its alien character to most people makes it all the more pregnant with suppositions: perplexed
March 27, 2014

Dumbing down the SAT

As a former tutor and poor public school student who excelled on the SAT, I hold strong feelings about the College Board’s decision to overhaul the exam’s future structure. In March, College Board President David Coleman publicized some changes: a more generous fee waiver
March 27, 2014

Short story: The Carwash

My mama always told me “never immortalize your tits.” She used to be a nude model back at the university when she was young, and now every time she goes to work in the art department archives, she has to pass down
March 27, 2014
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