February 2014 - Page 4

In defense of Robert George

The most common, and perhaps most valid, criticism of Robert George after his dialogue on campus with Cornel West was that he did not answer our questions. I believe we are not in a position to fault George for this, as our
February 20, 2014

Lawsuit details college’s sudden push to expel

Administrators at all levels allegedly implicated; college vows to fight in court A carefully constructed and vivid picture of the college administration’s reaction to the controversy surrounding its handling of sexual assault last spring emerges from the lawsuit filed by a former
February 20, 2014

A critique of the Federal Reserve System

On December 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act to establish the third central banking system in the US, which facilitates funds transferring between banks, issues paper money, regulates commercial banks, lends as a last resort, and
February 20, 2014

Postcards from abroad: Julian Randall

Dear Campus Journal, My experience abroad has so far been unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced! As a few people back home and at Swat know, this is my first trip outside the country, so everything from customs, to inflight movies, to
February 20, 2014

Why regulation is good

In my house, there is a book titled “The Good Old Days: They Were Terrible” by Otto L. Bettman. Its cheeky title operates as a critique of American nostalgia, a message which permeates its historical anecdotes and analysis. It portrays America at
February 20, 2014

Gender-bending, swashbuckling comedy a must-see

While many Swarthmore students spent their Valentine’s Day getting screwed, I had the luxury of learning to thrust. Yes, that’s right. The cast of this year’s honor’s acting thesis production had me well lubricated with French red wine before drawing swords to
February 20, 2014

Sampling supremacy

The good music of yesterday inspires the great music of today. As the esteemed Q-Tip once said on the legendary Low End Theory Album: “Don’t you know that things go in cycles?” We are reminded most of this reality through the art
February 20, 2014

Putin’s show

Let’s face it: the Sochi Olympics were never going to be anything but amazing. That isn’t because of the level of competition. It’s not because of the record beating scores or the new team figure skating event. They were going to be
February 20, 2014
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