September 2013 - Page 7

Dressing up to get down

It is no secret that the social scene at Swarthmore is different than most colleges and universities in the United States. There is less emphasis placed on going out, and because of that, less emphasis placed on what we wear when we
September 19, 2013

Masturbation nation: keeping your privates, private

I don’t know about you all, but I am totally burnt out. And it’s only the third week of school. Seriously? As Swatties, we tend to put our school work ahead of most everything: sleeping…socializing…eating…breathing…sanity…and (of course) sex. But why? Isn’t sex
September 19, 2013

Fall TV forecast: what to watch this season

I doubt anyone will ever compare me to Kenneth from “30 Rock” (I’m too bitter and don’t know nearly enough about farming) but we do have one thing in common: we live for television. Love fades, friends grow distant, but TV is
September 19, 2013

Rape-related graffiti article concerning

We are glad that the Phoenix covered the rape-related graffiti found in the lodge basements. However, we are concerned about the nature of its coverage. Firstly, a “trigger warning” should have been added, rather than starting the article with the words “Rape
September 19, 2013

No “Applause” for this week’s top hits

While I cry over not being able to use my $9.00 dinner meal swipe on food from Margaret Kuo’s at the Science Center coffee bar, I’m going to throw some shade about this week’s Billboard Top 10. 1. I’m really pissed that
September 19, 2013

A response to the anti-war Left

Debate over intervention in Syria has raged across the blogosphere with particular intensity since President Obama’s announcement that he would seek congressional approval for airstrikes on Syria’s military infrastructure. Fortunately, that potential disaster was averted by the recent chemical weapons deal. During
September 19, 2013

Ethical conundra in human genome research

To know more. This is what motivated scientists to initially conceive the idea of the Human Genome Project. As they mapped all the genes in our 23 chromosomes and tried to figure out how genes work, how they are regulated, which gene
September 19, 2013
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