September 2013 - Page 3

Just Doing Our Jobs

While Swarthmore students are notorious for being over-involved, somehow, students manage to find time between classes, clubs, and board meetings to add another activity to the list: a job. The real-life activity of participating in the workforce has permeated the Swat Bubble,
September 26, 2013

Unprepared, unaided and alone

As we approach the end of the fourth week of classes, many of us are probably starting to feel the pressure that we associate with Swat academics. This escalation of academic stress can be especially hard to deal with as a freshman,
September 26, 2013

A failure of e-communication

Nobody at Swarthmore replies to email. Everyone at the College is guilty, including me. Sure, there are some administrators, faculty members, staff, and students who never forget to reply to any email directed at them, but they are the exception rather than
September 26, 2013

Delving into the ethics of swooping

For the past few weeks, the rumor mill has buzzed with one word. It seems to seep through most happenings and pieces of gossip: swooping. The Kohlberg coffee bar is host to hushed whispers of “did that really happen last Saturday?” and
September 26, 2013

Knowing our cells

I have recently been reading a collection of essays by biological researcher and physician Lewis Thomas, essays which have been making me wonder: Why don’t we have closer communication with (or at least awareness of) the cells we are comprised of? It
September 26, 2013

Not WOWed By Imitation Butter

It’s certainly true that technology and food are irreparably bound up. If you want to be strict about it, the very thing we call agriculture—modern or ancient—constitutes a technological advancement over the prehistoric days of hunting and gathering. Of course, the idea
September 26, 2013

Leagues of gamers create legends at Swat

In 2009, a studio called Riot Games released a closed beta that would soon take over the world of competitive gaming. League of Legends was seen as a spiritual successor to Defense of The Ancients (DOTA), a Warcraft III: Frozen Throne modification.
September 26, 2013

Brittany, Miley and me

Britney’s new song didn’t manage to chart within the top 10 in its first week, but that’s okay—it’s difficult to sing while operating an electric razor. We don’t want that shave too close, so let’s count our blessings that Britney didn’t scratch
September 26, 2013
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