March 2013 - Page 9

A Look At The Women’s Resource Center

When most people decide where they want to study for the night, McCabe, Cornell, and the Science Center are among the top choices. When many students coordinate their Saturday night plans, Paces, Olde Club, and the fraternities are among the first options
March 7, 2013

StuCo and Cycling Revive Bike Share Program

The previously-defunct Bike Share program restarted this week, thanks to the efforts of Cycling Club and Student Council. The program allows students to check out a bicycle and a helmet from McCabe for up to 24 hours. Erin Ching ’16, a member
March 7, 2013

Behind the Party Scene

This weekend, students attended the final hurrah for a two-year experiment in EDM, laser lights and neon knick-knacks. Officially the last of the popular Poon parties, Saturday’s Paces event generated a crowd that stands as a testament to the niche filled by
March 7, 2013

Honorary Degree Recipients Announced

At the college’s 140th commencement, approximately 350 current students will receive diplomas. But undergraduates won’t be the only ones receiving degrees. At the ceremony, President Chopp will present honorary degrees to three others: entrepreneur and humanitarian, Tralance Addy, novelist and social activist
March 7, 2013

Student Senate Elections Today

Today marks the first election for the newly-formed Swarthmore Student Senate, announced last Wednesday through a campus-wide email from the Student Council (StuCo) co-presidents Victor Brady ’13 and Gabriella Capone ’14. The Student Senate will be composed of delegates from the 31
March 7, 2013

The North London Derby

North London Derby The game between Arsenal and Tottenham was built up this previous week as a test of Arsenal’s mettle and to see whether the Spurs under Villas-Boas had improved enough to beat their rival. In the end it seemed fair
March 7, 2013

Scientific Pragmatism in “Functional Cure” for HIV

An amazing piece of news this past week has been the announcement of a breakthrough in HIV treatment: a two-and-a-half year old girl from Mississippi has been declared “functionally cured” of HIV, after being diagnosed with the retrovirus at birth. The child,
March 7, 2013

The Politics of Extremism

The mainstream political media – from top-rated television programs like Meet the Press to David Brooks and Thomas Friedman in the New York Times – tells America a story of perpetual partisan bickering. Democrats and Republicans are retreating to their extremes rather
March 7, 2013

Professors’ Works, Beyond the Classroom

Starting March 5th and running through April 10th, the Department of Art Faculty and Staff exhibition will be on display at The List Gallery in LPAC.  During the gallery opening on tuesday, most of the artists featured were present at the opening
March 7, 2013

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