March 2013 - Page 2

A Compass for Surveyors in Los Angeles

Over spring break, I spent some time at my old haunt, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, which boasts the largest permanent collection of art west of the Mississippi.  While at the museum, my love for the art of curating increased
March 28, 2013

De-Extinction a Possible Frontier for Scientific Development

Let’s imagine for a moment we had the technology to recreate a species once considered extinct. Imagine that we could use the genetic information from those organisms’ DNA to create new individuals that have not roamed the earths for generations. Consider what
March 28, 2013

The Keystone Mistake

Last week, the United States Senate cast votes on a large number of amendments to its budget proposal, many unrelated to the actual budget. One of those amendments was a resolution calling on President Obama to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. It
March 28, 2013

Big Boi 101

With the announcement last week that Big Boi would headline this year’s Large Scale Event came some surprise, relief that we actually have LSE this year, and at least a couple blank stares and hesitant comments: “Who?” A grunted “He’s one half
March 28, 2013

Indian Women Still Waiting

You know a country has a problem when someone takes the time to name a culture-specific problem in a foreign language. The gathering of men in public places to verbally and sometimes, physically harass women is called “eve-teasing” in India; it’s as
March 28, 2013

A Conversation with Professor X

I’ve jokingly stated many many times, “I’m pretty sure Professor X thinks that we only have work from his class. Do you see this? (holds up pack of readings that necessarily must be stapled with the big orange and grey stapler in
March 28, 2013

David Linde: An Interview

As Part of The Film and Media Department’s Friday Symposium on the future of visual media, David Linde `82, former president of Focus Features and Chairman of Universal spoke this past Thursday night in Sci 101 about the economic future of the
March 28, 2013

Zoellick: A Serious Choice

Over the last week, the College’s decision to invite former World Bank President Robert Zoellick ’75 to deliver a graduation speech and receive an honorary degree has become the latest campus controversy this semester. Although selected by a predominantly liberal faculty, some
March 28, 2013

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